5 Month Update with Our Everett Kai
The last five months have been the best and the hardest of our lives. I’ve recently felt a pull to share some of our hardships to further attempt normalizing the conversation of real life parenthood. It’s not easy like I so blissfully thought it would be. Like influencers made it out to be. Like parenting books have written about. “Follow these steps and you’ll do great!”
Everett has been a tough baby, and the transition to parenthood has been such an unexpected journey. I thought we’d visit Charlotte when Ev turned 4 months old. That’s when people said babies were the easiest to travel with. Ha! He has slept through the night just a handful of times. He only recently started sleeping alone, and we’re lucky if it’s in his crib. Car rides are scream fests. He has more tummy issues than me (that’s a lot). And not to mention all my personal imbalances with PPD + PPA. I’m not saying all this to scare new parents or complain about our situation. We are so grateful for absolutely everything we have. I want to normalize these hardships, bring new parents together so they don’t feel so alone. We’ve been so lucky to have incredible support from family and friends. Thank you — you know who you are 🤍 I want to support those who may not have a village to lean on. Those who don’t feel like themselves and are running on E.
All this to say, Everett has taught us more about ourselves than we could’ve imagined. We’re so tired, but so in love. It’s hard as hell, but one million percent worth it.